=== Curent Configuration ===


=== How To Setup Phone===

  1. Use a telephone connected to the PHONE 1 or PHONE 2 port of the Phone Adapter.
  2. Press the * (star) key four times.
  3. Wait until you hear “Configuration menu. Please enter option followed by the # (pound) key or hang up to exit.”
  4. Refer to the table for a list of actions, commands, menu choices, and descriptions. After you select an option, press the # (pound) key. To exit the menu, hang up the telephone
Action Command Choices Description
Enter Interactive Voice Response Menu **** --- Use this command to enter the Interactive Voice Response Menu. Do not press any other keys until you hear, “Configuration menu. Please enter option followed by the # (pound) key or hang up to exit.”
Check DHCP 100 --- Use this command to find out if DHCP has been enabled or disabled. If it is enabled, the Phone Adapter will be assigned an IP address automatically by your network router or gateway. If it is disabled, then the Phone Adapter will need to use a static IP address.
Enable/Disable DHCP 101 Enter 1 to enable
Enter 0 to disable 
Enable or disable the Phone Adapter’s DHCP feature. If your network router assigns IP addresses, enter 1, otherwise, enter 0.
Check IP Address 110 --- Use this command to check the current IP address of the Phone Adapter.
Set Static IP Address 111 Enter the IP address using the numbers on your telephone keypad. Use the * (star) key to enter a decimal point. To set a static IP address, the DHCP feature must be disabled. If the DHCP feature is enabled, you will hear, “Invalid Option,” if you try to set a static IP address.
Check Network Mask 120 --- Use this command to check the current network mask of the Phone Adapter.
Set Network Mask 121 Enter the network mask using numbers on your telephone keypad. Use the * (star) key to enter a decimal point. To set the network mask, the DHCP feature must be disabled. If the DHCP feature is enabled, you will hear, “Invalid Option,” if you try to set the network mask.
Check Static Gateway IP Address 130 --- Use this command to check the current gateway IP address of the Phone Adapter.
Set Static Gateway IP Address 131 Enter the IP address using numbers on your telephone keypad. Use the * (star) key to enter a decimal point. To set a static gateway IP address, the DHCP feature must be disabled. If the DHCP feature is enabled, you will hear, “Invalid Option,” if you try to set a static gateway IP address.
Enable/Disable Web-based Utility Phone Adapter 150 Enter 1 to enable
Enter 0 to disable
This feature is password protected by your Internet phone service provider. (The Web-based Utility is disabled by default because you will not need to use it unless instructed to do so by your service provider.)  If you have been provided a password, see “Entering a Password.”